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This page describes the ways and logic of handling personal data of users (here in after, including Users) who consult the website The disclosure is made pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 – Personal Data Protection Code for all Users who, interacting with the Site, provide the Administration of their personal data. The validity of the information contained...

Press Room


The press office of 1522 is handled by Differenza Donna NGO, service manager. For information and contacts: Luisa Rizzitelli 345 4767246

Manager 1522: Differenza Donna NGO


Differenza Donna (hereinafter DD) was founded in Rome on the 6th of March 1989 to expose, fight, prevent, and overcome gender-based violence. Since the beginning, DD believes that discrimination, marginalization, and oppression of women are a widespread, complex, and serious social phenomenon that can be effectively fought through specific competences only. Therefore, DD has the mission of...

About 1522


1522 was launched in 2006 by the Department for Equal Opportunities with the aim of developing a broad system of action for the emergence and contrast of the phenomenon of intra and extra-family violence to the detriment of women. In 2009, with the entry into force of the L. 38/2009 amended in 2013 on persecutory acts, it also started support action for stalking victims. The public utility number...

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